Microtiter plates, deep well plates, culture flasks, petri dish and bioreactor tube options can all be accommodated as part of a standard solution range. All members of STX line can be equipped with various types of packages, options and a wide selection of useful accessories. For details please refer to Packages, Options and Accessories section of the web page and relevant flyer.
StoreX STX44
STX44 is the smallest member of the STX ine. Its 44 MTP capacity make it perfectly suitable of small-scale integration, highly miniaturized applications or short/long time incubation assays. Its fast retrieval time makes it perfect for throughput issues.

- STX44 incubators are available for integration with the instrument placed on the table surface (Bench Top - BT) or for integration with the instrument standing on the floor (Stand Alone - SA). The combination of a Stand Alone configuration with a Bench Top allow these units to be stacked.
- IT models of STX44 subline are suitable for crystallization applications.
- Special version where the whole electronics is placed in a separate box away from the units body is available for space constrains situations.
- STX44 in Side Gate configuration is designed for seamless integration at the side of other equipment whilst user door facing to the front.
StoreX STX56
STX56 is the second smallest member of the STX ine. Its 56 MTP capacity make it perfectly suitable of small-scale integration, highly miniaturized applications or short/long time incubation assays. Its fast retrieval time makes it perfect for throughput issues.

- STX56 incubators are available for integration with the instrument placed on the table surface (Bench Top - BT) or for integration with the instrument standing on the floor (Stand Alone - SA). The combination of a Stand Alone configuration with a Bench Top allow these units to be stacked.
- IT models of STX56 subline are suitable for crystallization applications.
- Special version where the whole electronics is placed in a separate box away from the units body is available for space constrains situations.
- STX44 in Side Gate configuration is designed for seamless integration at the side of other equipment whilst user door facing to the front.
StoreX STX66
STX66 is the second smallest member of the STX line. It is built in STX44 enclosure. Its 66 MTP capacity makes it perfectly suitable of small-scale integration, highly miniaturized applications or short/long time incubation assays. Its fast retrieval time makes it perfect for throughput issues.

- STX66 incubators are available for integration with the instrument placed on the table surface (Bench Top - BT) or for integration with the instrument standing on the floor (Stand Alone - SA). The combination of a Stand Alone configuration with a Bench Top allow these units to be stacked.
- IT models of STX66 subline are suitable for crystallization applications.
- Special version where the whole electronics is placed in a separate box away from the units body is available for space constrains situations.
- STX66 in Side Gate configuration is designed for seamless integration at the side of other equipment whilst user door facing to the front.
StoreX STX110
STX110 is the world's smallest carrousel based automated incubator. This unit begins the high throughput series storage line keeping size constraints in mind.

- The newly developed handling with higher speeds, spring loaded instead of counter weight and Flush Gate improves the overall performance of the unit.
- The Flush Gate simplifies integration by omitting any obstacle in the gate area.
- STX110 instruments are available for integration with the instrument placed on the table surface (Bench Top – BT) or for integration with the instrument standing on the floor (Stand Alone – SA). The combination of a Stand Alone configuration with a Bench Top allow these units to be stacked.
- STX110 slim 400mm width minimizes room required along a robotic line.
- STX110 robotic Side Access gate is located in the upper part or lower of the housing depending on whether in SA or BT configuration.
- STX110 with Mirror Gate (MR) access is available both for SA and BT configurations.
- The physical dimensions of all STX110 are identical and independent of any Climate Options.
StoreX STX140
STX140 is the world's smallest carrousel based automated incubator. This unit begins the high throughput series storage line keeping size constraints in mind.

- The newly developed handling with higher speeds, spring loaded instead of counter weight and Flush Gate improves the overall performance of the unit.
- The Flush Gate simplifies integration by omitting any obstacle in the gate area.
- STX140 instruments are available for integration with the instrument placed on the table surface (Bench Top – BT) or for integration with the instrument standing on the floor (Stand Alone – SA). The combination of a Stand Alone configuration with a Bench Top allow these units to be stacked.
- STX140 slim 400mm width minimizes room required along a robotic line.
- STX140 robotic Side Access gate is located in the upper part or lower of the housing depending on whether in SA or BT configuration.
- STX140 with Mirror Gate (MR) access is available both for SA and BT configurations.
- The physical dimensions of all STX110 are identical and independent of any Climate Options.
StoreX STX220
STX220 is the classical 198MTP-size incubator improved with increased 220 MTP capacity and recently implemented Flush Gate.

- The newly developed handling with higher speeds, spring loaded instead of counter weight and Flush Gate improves the overall performance of the unit.
- The Flush Gate simplifies integration by omitting any obstacle in the gate area.
- STX220 instruments are available for integration with the instrument placed on the table surface (Bench Top – BT) or for integration with the instrument standing on the floor (Stand Alone – SA). The combination of a Stand Alone configuration with a Bench Top allows these units to be stacked.
- IT models of the STX220 are designed for operation under a workbench in combination with a lift transfer-station.
- Mechanical dimensions of all STX220 are identical and independent of any Climate Options.
- STX220 robotic Side Access gate is located in the upper part or lower of the housing depending on whether in BT or SA configuration.
- STX220 with Mirror Gate (MR) access is available both for SA and BT configurations.
- The physical dimensions of all STX220 are identical and independent of any Climate Options.
StoreX STX280
STX280 is the 220MTP-size incubator improved with increased 280 MTP capacity and recently implemented Flush Gate

- The newly developed handling with higher speeds, spring loaded instead of counter weight and Flush Gate improves the overall performance of the unit.
- The Flush Gate simplifies integration by omitting any obstacle in the gate area.
- STX280 instruments are available for integration with the instrument placed on the table surface (Bench Top – BT) or for integration with the instrument standing on the floor (Stand Alone – SA). The combination of a Stand Alone configuration with a Bench Top allows these units to be stacked.
- IT models of the STX280 are designed for operation under a workbench in combination with a lift transfer-station.
- Mechanical dimensions of all STX280 are identical and independent of any Climate Options.
- STX280 robotic Side Access gate is located in the upper part or lower of the housing depending on whether in BT or SA configuration.
- STX280 with Mirror Gate (MR) access is available both for SA and BT configurations. The physical dimensions of all STX280 are identical and independent of any Climate Options.
StoreX STX500
STX500 is an automated incubator with increased 440-500 MTP capacity and recently implemented Flush Gate. This model offers high capacity while maintaining the same compact footprint of STX220. STX500 is ideal for high throughput labs with space constraints.

- The newly developed handling with higher speeds, spring loaded instead of counter weight and Flush Gate improves the overall performance of the unit.
- The Flush Gate simplifies integration by omitting any obstacle in the gate area.
- STX500 instruments are available for integration with the instrument standing on the floor.
- STX500 is available in three internal configurations:
- (1) 440 MTP capacity for maximum comfort for manual handling of cassettes with Double Decker carrousel and standard 540mm cassettes;
- (2) 500 MTP capacity with an optimized configuration using 540mm cassettes on the lower deck and 680mm cassettes on the upper deck while maintaining comfort and safety of manual operation;
- (3) 530 MTP capacity using 1200mm stackers making it the leader in its class.
- The physical dimensions of all STX500 are identical and independent of any Climate Options.
StoreX STX1000
The STX1000 is the largest carrousel based incubator of the StoreX series with smallest footprint in the industry. STX1000 houses two independently operating carrousels. The transport lift is located on the back side of the incubation chamber between the two carrousels having three rotation positions – left carrousel, right carrousel and transfer station position. The Gate and therefore the transfer station are located in the center of the back side of the instrument. Two large user doors on the front side of the incubator allow simple and easy manual access to the plates inside the incubation chamber. For manual access the carrousels may be positioned automatically or rotated manually.

- STX1000 is available in three internal configurations:
- (1) 880 MTP capacity with Double Decker carrousel using 2x2 levels of standard 540mm stackers;
- (2) 1000 MTP capacity using 540mm cassettes on the lower deck and 680mm stackers on the upper deck;
- (3) 1060 MTP capacity configured as single deck using 1200mm stackers maximizing its capacity.
- STX1000 with its 770mm depth and 1970mm height fits through any laboratory door or in any maintenance elevator.
- The wheels lock into place to ensure stability at the workstation.
- The physical dimensions of all STX1000 are identical and independent of any Climate Options.