ComPoundX systems can store mixtures of various labware, including a large variety of racks with tubes in different formats, sealed plates, screw capped vials (6 ml, 2 ml, etc.), all which can be handled with our unique tube picker and handling technology. More than 1 000 configurations are available for customer specified needs.

- High throughput sample processing
- SD and HD Configuration
- Controlled internal atmosphere
- Wide range of storage temperatures
- Multiple labware support
- Ready for future requirements
- Fully featured system control software
- LIMS and workcell integration
The CPX’s ultra-high density storage is configurable to precisely fit any room dimensions. This fully automated storage solution is a popular choice for compound storage or samples requiring temperatures ranging from +25°C to -40°C.
STT fits in virtually any lab and is quickly installed. It is ideal for a wide variety of sample types and applications, including integrated workcells. The STT is ideal for sample collections in the 50,000 to 150,000 range and can be configured for various temperatures.
- Proven sample integrity
- Flexible design for best room efficiency
- Highest storage density
- Best energy performance
- Unrivalled temperature uniformity and stability
- Intuitive system operation
- Seamless LIMS integration
- Unique no defrost cycle design

ComPoundX systems can store mixtures of various labware, including a large variety of racks with tubes in different formats, sealed plates, screw capped vials (6 ml, 2 ml, etc.), all which can be handled with our unique Kiwi tube picker and handling technology. More than 1,000 configurations are available for customer specified needs.
Packages, Options and Accessories
Graphical job creation
Graphical job creation for storage and retrieval of plasma units
Easy Search of Samples by Barcode, Name, Data etc.
Easy Search of Samples by Barcode, Name, Data etc.
Complete Audit Trail
Complete Audit Trail
Automatic Inventory Defragmentation
Automatic Inventory Defragmentation
Automatic Data Backup
Automatic Data Backup
Integration to LIMS Database
Integration to LIMS Database
Mobile Device Control
Mobile Device Control
User Access Security
User Access Security
Intuitive Software
2D – Bar Code Rack Scanner
2D – Bar Code Rack Scanner
Flexible Labware Support
Flexible Labware Support
Configurable to Room Constraints
Configurable to Room Constraints
Touch Screen Interface
Touch Screen Interface
External Database Integration
External Database Integration
Internal Monitoring Vision System
Internal Monitoring Vision System
Multi – Tube / Vial Picker
Multi – Tube / Vial Picker
LN2 – Backup Option
LN2 – Backup Option
Redundant Refrigeration
Redundant Refrigeration
Dynamically Configurable Storage Cassettes
Dynamically Configurable Storage Cassettes
External Interface Station
External Interface Station
The CPX’s ultra-high density storage is configurable to precisely fit any room dimensions. This fully automated storage solution is a popular choice for compound storage or samples requiring temperatures ranging from +25°C to -40°C.