LiCONiC‘s proprietary technology delivers a robust system for frequent access and optimum environmental control using a variety of labware. Microtiter plates, deep well plates, culture flasks, petri dish and bioreactor tube options can all be accommodated as part of a standard solution range. All members of STR line can be equipped with various types of packages, options and a wide selection of useful accessories. For details please refer to Packages, Options and Accessories section of the web page and relevant flyer.
StoreX STR44
It is the smallest member of the STR family. STR44 has the same width as STX44 and the same depth as STX220. Its 44 MTP capacity make it perfectly suitable of small-scale integration, highly miniaturized applications or short time incubation assays. STR44's compact size makes it ideal for applications with room constraints.

- Throughput can be increased by using two transfer-station positions on the deck.
- STR44 is ideal for protein crystallization work because the periscope lift is the only moving part of the unit while cassettes are stationary reducing vibration and movement of the samples.
- Mix of two configurations - the cassettes for standard plates and the other plate sizes is possible.
- Manual access to the samples through the large front door for loading and unloading with full remote access to handling and climate functions.
- The physical dimensions of all STR44 are identical and independent of any Climate Options.
Storex STR240
This unit shares the same footprint as the STX220 but with greater capacity. It's ideal for multiple cassette/sample configurations. STR240 holds up to 240 MTP with 23mm pitch The unit sits entirely under the workstation or liquid handler deck. Multiple transfer-station can be used to increase production and throughput.

- STR240 is ideal for protein crystallization work because the periscope lift is the only moving part of the unit while cassettes are stationary reducing vibration and movement of the samples.
- Where low vibration is needed, the climate part of the unit can be separated from the incubation chamber.
- For better access to cassettes located in the back of the incubation chamber the integrated carrousel maybe positioned automatically or be rotated manually.
- The physical dimensions of all STR44 are identical and independent of any Climate Options.
StoreX STR602
STR602 uses the Star Concept to maximize the capacity and to allow flexible configuration. The delivery gate can be on the rear right/left or in rear center of the incubator. This allows the unit to be positioned in the desired location. Multiple gates are also possible. The unit is MTP and Linbro compatible.

- STR602 was originally designed for protein crystallization work because the carrousel can be stationary with the Star concept allowing the inner rotation the only moving part, reducing vibration and movement of the samples.
- The Flush Gate simplifies integration by omitting any obstacle in the gate area.
- For better access to cassettes located in the back of the incubation chamber the integrated carrousel maybe positioned automatically or be rotated manually.
- Manual access to the samples through the large front door for loading and unloading with full remote access to handling and climate functions.
- The physical dimensions of all STR602 are identical and independent of any Climate Options.