Welcome to LiCONiC in Poland

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LiCONiC Poland

Shipment Data

LiCONiC Poland

Zaboreczne 2
01-472 Warszawa
Phone: +48 603 386 371
E-mail: bso@liconic.com
Website: www.liconic.com
Airport: Chopin Airport

Help desk

Phone: +48 603 386 371

Email: bso@liconic.com

If you need support please have following information ready:
Serial Number: (E.g. 3305)
Type: (E.g. STX44-DCSA)
Working conditions settings: (E.g. 37°C, 95% RH)
Plate Type


Phone: +48 603 386 371
Email: bso@liconic.com

LiCONiC Poland
Zaboreczne 2
01-472 Warszawa
Phone: +48 603 386 371
Email: bso@liconic.com
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